Founded in 1986, Washington Schools Risk Management Pool (WSRMP) is a member owned, member-governed, and member-driven risk pool for public school districts in Washington. While WSRMP does provide strong financial protection, education-based coverage, and customized risk management services to our members, any similarity to common insurance ends there. From representation on our Executive Board to our member-centric risk roundtables, member surveys and inclusive claims litigation management, our members are our owners and have a voice in the decisions and direction of the pool.

We partner with our members to create safe educational environments and communities. We seek to be on the leading edge of issues that impact schools. We work with legislators, serve on relevant state and local committees, sponsor educational organizations and advocate for school districts at every turn. We share our knowledge with other pools in our industry so that we can influence student safety beyond Washington State.

We go far beyond the limitations of traditional insurance

This is pooling, and this is WSRMP.