

WSRMP - Public Records Officer
P.O. Box 88700
Tukwila, WA 98138-2700


The Washington Schools Risk Management Pool provides access to public records under the provisions of the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56).

For the sake of clarity, and to ensure we understand the scope of your request, we prefer that you submit your request to the WSRMP Public Records Officer in a written format that contains the following information:

  1. Date of request;
  2. Phone, email, and/or address or other contact information of requester;
  3. Identification of the public records adequate for the Public Records Officer or designee to locate the records (title and date, if known);
  4. Whether the requester intends to inspect the records, receive a photocopy of them, or receive them electronically;
  5. Method by which the Public Records Officer should contact the requester.

PRA requests will be seen most quickly if they are sent by email to the Public Records Officer at  Use of is for the benefit of requesters, and WSRMP prefers that electronic PRA requests be submitted via email to that address.  If you would prefer to send your PRA request by mail, please mail it to:

WSRMP – Public Records Officer
PO Box 88700
Tukwila, WA 98138-2700


The following is the list of exemptions found outside of RCW Chapter 42.56 that commonly apply to WSRMP documents:

  • 20 USC 1232g (FERPA) – identifying information regarding students
  • RCW 48.62.101 – information regarding claim reserves
  • RCW 5.60.060(2) attorney-client communications
  • RCW 7.07.030 – mediation communications